Yep, that there is a horsey hug. Life is good.
One of the first things I learned about Jojo is that he is the most easily spooked horse in history. The second thing I learned about him was that he is more sensitive to me than I am to him.
His spooks aren't bad. He freezes, sometimes sidesteps and only twice has he bolted on me. Both times he was easily reigned in and calmed down. It was the second of these times that his nickname was born.
We were happily trotting along the outside round pen (Which happens to be surrounded on two sides by tall weeds.) when suddenly, he bolts.BAM! I haven't been on a horse in 7 years and suddenly I'm full speed. For a second. Till he reached the fence, when he stopped short (Thank GOD!) and I was all wobbly, hands in every direction, doing everything I could possibly do WRONG. Which is when I screamed out (I Know, perfect thing to do, right?)
Jojo, by now probably just praying to have me off his back and be done with it, stands there while I catch my breath and we both look behind to see what crazy bear had done us in such a cruel way. It was a barn cat. Little black and white fluff named Oreo.
Said cat then perches, smack in the middle of the round pen, commences looking self satisfied with his tail curled smartly around his feet.
Then Jojo gives me a sideways glance when I have to dismount for a moment and check his saddle. THAT I have come to know as his sheepish look. The look that says 'I'm sorry, Mom, but I'm just a KID!' Yes, it's adorable and gets him out of all kinds of trouble.
I begin to walk over and scoop up the cookie cat and Lo! Jojo begins his puppy routine all over again. Following at my side, head slightly lowered, giving me 'the look.' He nuzzles my hand, nuzzles the cat as I pick his complacent ass up out of the dirt and then blows his butterflies to tell me how silly he feels.
'Yeah, Punkin Pie,' I say as I escort Mr. Oreo outside the fence. 'I'd feel like a doofus, too.' He agrees, I remount and we have no other problems that day.
We had no arguments over the nickname, although people laugh at me when I walk into the barn and calL out 'PUNKIN PIIIIEEEE'. Do you think it's bad for his self esteem? Do the other horses laugh at him, I wonder? Eh, he seems to get along well and I mean look at him! Isn't he the exact color of pumpkin pie?
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