Welcome To My New Blog.

Welcome to diary of a silly horse. In case you were wondering, that's him, there, the big, beautiful face taking up the screen.
I hadn't intended to ever start one of those cutsie little 'this is my pet' blogs, but... Well, LOOK at that face.

This is the story of Jojo, 'The Face' and me, and why we do what we do. I decided to keep this blog because after spending just a few minutes with him, I realized that I never wanted to miss one second, or forget one thing that he did, one trial overcome, one accomplishment fulfilled.

So, here it is. Happy Reading.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

So, we are still having goat issues, though we are working through them steadily, progress is slow based on the fact that I only visit for a limited time each week and that I actually let him get away with murder.

I'm going to try something I haven't done in awhile. Next time I see him I am going to remove his stirrups. I think I am sitting to tight in the saddle and remaining too tense in my seat. I am pretty sure that the remaining stiffness in HIS shoulders is a direct response to the stiffness n MY seat.

Wish me luck!

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