Welcome To My New Blog.

Welcome to diary of a silly horse. In case you were wondering, that's him, there, the big, beautiful face taking up the screen.
I hadn't intended to ever start one of those cutsie little 'this is my pet' blogs, but... Well, LOOK at that face.

This is the story of Jojo, 'The Face' and me, and why we do what we do. I decided to keep this blog because after spending just a few minutes with him, I realized that I never wanted to miss one second, or forget one thing that he did, one trial overcome, one accomplishment fulfilled.

So, here it is. Happy Reading.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Meet Butch.

Well, you'll notice that the horse above is NOT Punkin Pie.
This is Butch. You might remember him from my first post if you read that far.

He is crazy huge, with a personality that won't quit and heart bigger than any animal I have ever known. Believe it or not he is a more gentle horse than even Jojo, but I think it's just cuz he's lazy.

I have about 400 pictures of us in different stages of riding. Walk, trot, canter, gallop. In not ONE of them is he picking up his feet any more than he has to. He's a punk. Hence the nickname I gave him 'Punk Rock'.
I have a Punk & a Punkin. Wow, I'm way too creative.

The woman that owns him was kind enough to allow me to ride him, even though I am not leasing him. Since he is boarded at the same place as Jojo, I try to ride him two or three time a week in combination with my regular Jojo time.

He seemed to have lost his ground manners while being pastured for three years in his former life, but I haven't had a problem yet. As I said before, his mommy is still sometimes nervous with him since he bucked her not too long ago.

He is a former race horse and you can definitely tell it when you pick up his speed a little. Even the slightest cue and he's off and away. So he has control issues. But the secret is, I don't mind. :)

Sadly Mommy does, so I have been working with him on his cues & riding him without a bit since he still needs to have his wolf teeth removed and he seems to be coming along nicely. I've never found a need to lunge him as I just ride him around a small pen for about 15 minutes to get him to remember that we are working. We work on cues first and he likes to pretend he doesn't understand what I'm talking about at first, but he always gives in without a fight.

I've just recently begun taking him out into the fields and even took him out to the road a couple of days ago and though he was nervous, his shoulders kept twitching, he kept his wits about him and remembered to listen to me when I was talking.

Once the work is all done, I let him play it all out. We go to the back fields and run back and forth a few times and he is usually quite disappointed when we return to the barn.

This is a typical case of a horse truly WANTING to do what you ask him, but also wanting to make you work for it.

I suspect that at some point he has had an injury to his left shoulder because he trips sometimes on that leg and there is a large indentation in the muscle.

Sadly, I can't spend too much time all at once with him, because Jojo starts to yell at me, no, he really does. Then he throws fits when I start to tack him up.

Have you ever had a horse whinny in your ear in an empty barn. It's pretty damn freaky if you're not expecting it.

I tried explaining to him that Butch NEEDS me to work with him, when he, Jojo already HAS manners enough for ten horses. He doesn't care. I think he is just worried about the horse/Cookie ratio.

I <3 My Brats

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